Domestic violence affects one in three women worldwide. In France, only 18% of women file a complaint. This mainly concerns physical and sexual violence. However, domestic violence is not limited to these two forms. At the end of your reading, you will know the different forms of conjugal violence suffered by more than 736 million women on all continents. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn about the different forms of domesticĀ abuse.
Verbal violence
An abuser may use words to control, destabilize, humiliate and destroy his partner. Aggressive words such as reproaches, criticisms, and threats toward the woman and her children are also cruel. Regardless of the tone of voice, the abuser aims to frighten his victim. Even a man who keeps a usual tone but overwhelms his partner with insults, threats, and sarcasm is torrential.
Psychological violence
It is expressed by insidious and permanent violence. It often causes considerable emotional damage, such as a decrease in self-esteem and the provocation of depression or even suicide. The aggressor often justifies his actions by pointing out the incompetence and behavior of his spouse.
This violence is also related to humiliation, belittling, devaluation, control, isolation, and domination of the other. Threatening words, imposing one’s own point of view and tastes on the other, and reducing contact with family, friends, and relatives are also forms of psychological violence. Some offenders blame the other person for their aggressive actions and attitudes.
Violence towards objects/animals
With the goal of hurting the victim, the abuser deliberately destroys pictures, kills pets, or breaks objects that have emotional value to the victim.
Violence against children
The abuser physically or verbally abuses a child in front of his girlfriend, pointing to the child as the problem. This allows him to impose his power over the victim. This controlling relationship puts the mother in a destabilizing position. However, she continually adapts to the father’s abusive behavior in order to protect her child. She may, for example, deny the idea of leaving for fear of retaliation against her children.
Physical violence
Slapping, punching, and kicking are all assaults. Hitting with an object, grabbing by the arm, neck, or any other part of the body, and any physical contact with the intent to assault and scare is physical abuse. When these actions endanger a person’s physical integrity or bodily health, it is aggression. Because it can leave visible marks on the body, it is the most visible.
Sexual abuse
If a person ties up their partner against their will in order to have sex or roughs them up during the act, this is a form of spousal abuse. Other acts that express sexual violence include: forcing entry, rape, insulting, humiliating, harassing, and coercing to act on fantasies, withholding sexual contact as a means of punishment or control, and any act that has a sexual connotation without the other person’s consent.
Economic violence
This is manifested by preventing the other person from having a personal bank account or depriving them of pocket money and other income. This form of violence is very common and aims to reduce the victim’s autonomy. Financial dependence appears as the control of financial and material resources, the commitment of credit, or the cashing of personal cheques without the spouse’s knowledge.
Usually, the abuser does this to prevent the victim from escaping the relationship. Some abusers even forbid professional activities, such as parental leave, to thwart a return to work after a long break. Perpetrators rarely admit to calling their actions abusive. They always justify it by using stress, alcohol, unemployment, and other external factors as a reason. So whether you are a victim or a witness to domestic violence, report it to the police.
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