
Top 5 Weirdest Laws Around The World


Laws are put in place to govern societies and protect their citizens. However, some laws are just plain weird. From the bizarre to the outright ridiculous, these laws seem to defy logic and reason. They can be a reflection of a specific cultural or historical context or a remnant of a bygone era that has yet to be repealed. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at five of the weirdest laws from around the world and explore the reasoning behind them.

1. No feeding pigeons in Venice, Italy

canal between buildings during daytime

Venice, known as the “City of Canals,” is a popular tourist destination famous for its gondolas, art, and architecture. However, visitors to the city should be aware that it is illegal to feed the pigeons in St. Mark’s Square. This law was put in place to protect the historic architecture and the health of tourists. The excess droppings from the birds were causing damage to the buildings and creating a hygiene issue. The law is enforced by local authorities, and violators can face fines of up to €450.

2. No wearing high heels in ancient Greek ruins, Greece

Greece is home to some of the most ancient ruins in the world, and it is a popular tourist destination for history buffs and culture enthusiasts. However, visitors should be aware that it is illegal to wear high heels in ancient ruins. This law was put in place to protect delicate and historical sites from damage. High heels can cause irreparable damage to ancient marble floors, so visitors are required to remove their heels or risk being fined. This law is enforced by local authorities, and the fines can vary depending on the site and the extent of the damage.

3. No whistling in Petrolina, Brazil

aerial photography of cityscape near sea


Petrolina is a city located in the Northeast region of Brazil known for its beautiful beaches and natural landscapes. However, visitors to the city should be aware that it is illegal to whistle at night. This law was put in place to prevent thieves from using whistling as a signal to communicate during burglaries. The law is enforced by local authorities, and violators can face fines or even imprisonment.

4. No walking around in public with a sleeveless shirt, Singapore

Singapore is a modern and developed city-state known for its cleanliness, order, and strict laws. Visitors to the city should be aware that it is illegal to walk around in public with a sleeveless shirt. This law is in place to promote good manners and a sense of decorum in public spaces. The law is not strictly enforced, but it is still on the books and can be used as a reason to fine or detain someone if they are acting in a disruptive or offensive manner.

5. No changing light bulbs on Sundays, Berlin, Germany

city buildings near body of water during daytime

Berlin is the capital of Germany and one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe. Visitors to the city should be aware that it is illegal to change light bulbs on Sundays. This law is in place to protect the Sabbath as a day of rest. Many Germans still observe the traditional Sunday rest day, and it is illegal to carry out any kind of work, including changing light bulbs. The law is enforced by local authorities, and violators can face fines.

Final thoughts

These are just a few examples of the many bizarre and sometimes outdated laws that still exist around the world. While these laws may seem strange and unnecessary, they are a reflection of the unique cultural and historical context in which they were created. It’s important to remember that laws are not always rational or logical and that what may seem weird to us may make perfect sense to someone else.

Laws can be very diverse, and what might be normal in one place might be illegal or not useful in another. Laws are made to protect people, properties, and society as a whole, but sometimes they might seem to be strange or unnecessary, but they all have a reason behind them. As a traveler or tourist, it is always important to be aware of the laws of the places you are visiting, to avoid any unwanted situations, and to respect the culture and customs of the place you visit.

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