Mike Bradon


The Cult Of Free Speech In The United States In 2023

The issues raised by Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial, which predictably ended with the acquittal of the former White House occupant, are the logical continuation of a presidency that has pushed the limits of the American legal system. Lawyers for the former president- who was charged with inciting insurrection –…


The Laws of Territorial Waters And The High Seas

All governments manage their territories with laws. This is easy enough to understand with respect to solid ground: when you look at a map, borders usually mark where the authority of one country ends and another’s begins. But what about maritime countries, which either border or are completely surrounded by…


Let’s Talk About Unjust Enrichment

Unfair enrichment or undue payment are terms that may sound familiar if you have ever received income that was not due to you or, on the contrary, if you have had to make payments without a valid reason. It is also a common argument used by insurance companies to avoid…


10 Countries With The Best Justice Systems in The Modern World

The “best” legal systems meet specific criteria that allow their judicial systems to remain effective. Considerations include the rule of law, time-frames for legal resolutions, the efficiency of judicial interpretations, judicial officer availability, etc. Factors Determining the Effectiveness of Legal Systems Accountability of state actors under the laws of a…