On June 15, 2021, the government of Hungary passed a law that prohibits the promotion of homosexuality and gender reassignment among minors. The law came into force despite opposition from the European Union (EU). It was approved by 157 out of 199 MPs. “Protecting the rights of our children” Originally,…
All these figures remind us that if the French law is on the side of LGBTQI+ people, violence based on homophobia or transphobia remains an alarming phenomenon that the authorities are struggling to curb. Bloody lips, cranial haematomas, hospital stays… Images of new physical attacks against LGBTQI+ people do not…
For most of the last two centuries, it was illegal to be gay in much of the world, and that was because of the colonial-era British. Even today, colonial-era laws prohibiting homosexuality still exist in former British territories, including parts of Africa and Oceania. But it is in Asia that…
Anti-LGBT law, calls to “de-Atlanize” Ukraine, omnipresent references to religion… In parallel to the war in Ukraine, the Russian government is leading a conservative and identity-based offensive on its domestic front. According to experts, the aim is to unite the country around “traditional” values. In Russia, Russian deputies voted Thursday,…
“On May 17, 2019, in Taiwan, love prevailed. After Parliament passed a law allowing marriage for all, we took a big step towards real equality and made Taiwan a better country,” President Tsai Ing-wen wrote on Twitter. By becoming the first country in Asia to recognize same-sex marriage, Taiwan confirmed…
Canada is a queer mecca and is one of the best places you could immigrate to as a queer person. Trust me on this one, as a queer person from a ‘third-world country’, I’ve faced the whole spectrum from queer acceptance and denial. Being queer is hard anywhere around the…
With the rise of globalization, the world is slowly becoming a global village; because of this, we tend to view others’ struggles as our own. This is where the issue of homonationalism comes about. It is the view of a global world, where we feel a sense of belonging to…